task | acq | run | subject_name | session_name | channels_file | CapManufacturer | CapManufacturersModelName | DeviceSerialNumber | HardwareFilters | HeadCircumference | InstitutionAddress | InstitutionName | InstitutionalDepartmentName | Instructions | Manufacturer | ManufacturersModelName | NIRSChannelCount | NIRSDetectorOptodeCount | NIRSPlacementScheme | NIRSSourceOptodeCount | RecordingDuration | SamplingFrequency | ShortChannelCount | SoftwareVersions | SourceType | TaskDescription | TaskName |
fingernonauto | 1 | 21 | None | fnirs-automaticity/sub-21/nirs/sub-21_task-fingernonauto_channels.tsv | Artinis Medical Systems | headcap with print, customized (M) | 24065 + 24068 | n/a | 55 | Heyendaalseweg 135, 6525 AJ, Nijmegen, The Netherlands | Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour; Radboud University | Donders Center for Neuroscience | You will now perform the finger tapping task for the sequence you just practiced (non-automatic). There is a total of 11 trials, so performing the sequence 11 times (once per trial). In between each trial there is a rest period of 20 seconds. During this rest you will hear a metronome sound, tap the sequence according to this interval sound. Trials and rest periods are indicated with red(= trial) and white(= rest) fixation crosses showing on the screen. When the experiment starts you cannot talk anymore. Furthermore, it is important to stay still except for your right hand. Keep your eyes open (also during the rest periods). Before the start of each new trial the sequence will be shown on the screen. If you press any key, the experiment starts. It will start with a rest period. Whenever a RED fixation cross appears on the screen, you should start tapping the sequence: 434141243212. When ready: press any key to start the finger tapping experiment. | Artinis Medical Systems | Brite24 | 72 | 12 | see optode_layout.pdf: 2 groups over the left and right dlPFC, 2 groups over the left and right PPC, 1 group over the left M1 and PMC | 24 | 4018 | 50 | 24 | Oxysoft 3.2.70 x64 | LED | Subjects need to tap the non-automatic sequence with the right-hand fingers | fingernonauto |
name | type | units | source | detector | wavelength_nominal | wavelength_actual | sampling_frequency | short_channel |
Rx2-Tx4 [757nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx4 | Rx2 | 760 | 756 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx2-Tx1a [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx1a | Rx2 | 760 | 756 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx1-Tx3 [844nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx3 | Rx1 | 850 | 855 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx2-Tx1a [844nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx1a | Rx2 | 850 | 844 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx4-Tx4 [855nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx4 | Rx4 | 850 | 854 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx4-Tx4 [757nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx4 | Rx4 | 760 | 756 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx2-Tx3 [844nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx3 | Rx2 | 850 | 855 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx2-Tx4 [855nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx4 | Rx2 | 850 | 854 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx2-Tx3 [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx3 | Rx2 | 760 | 757 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx1-Tx1b [844nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx1b | Rx1 | 850 | 844 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx1-Tx2 [854nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx2 | Rx1 | 850 | 853 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx1-Tx3 [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx3 | Rx1 | 760 | 757 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx1-Tx2 [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx2 | Rx1 | 760 | 756 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx1-Tx1b [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx1b | Rx1 | 760 | 756 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx5-Tx8 [844nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx8 | Rx5 | 850 | 853 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx5-Tx7 [757nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx7 | Rx5 | 760 | 757 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx9-Tx13 [757nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx13 | Rx9 | 760 | 756 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx4-Tx5 [844nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx5 | Rx4 | 850 | 853 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx3-Tx3 [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx3 | Rx3 | 760 | 757 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx3-Tx1d [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx1d | Rx3 | 760 | 756 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx5-Tx7 [853nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx7 | Rx5 | 850 | 853 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx9-Tx12 [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx12 | Rx9 | 760 | 756 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx11-Tx13 [853nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx13 | Rx11 | 850 | 853 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx10-Tx11b [854nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx11b | Rx10 | 850 | 844 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx6-Tx6a [853nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx6a | Rx6 | 850 | 844 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx11-Tx13 [757nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx13 | Rx11 | 760 | 756 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx4-Tx1c [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx1c | Rx4 | 760 | 756 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx3-Tx1d [844nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx1d | Rx3 | 850 | 844 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx8-Tx6c [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx6c | Rx8 | 760 | 756 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx8-Tx6c [853nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx6c | Rx8 | 850 | 844 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx7-Tx7 [853nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx7 | Rx7 | 850 | 853 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx11-Tx12 [853nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx12 | Rx11 | 850 | 854 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx4-Tx3 [844nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx3 | Rx4 | 850 | 855 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx10-Tx14 [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx14 | Rx10 | 760 | 756 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx12-Tx11d [854nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx11d | Rx12 | 850 | 844 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx9-Tx13 [853nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx13 | Rx9 | 850 | 853 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx11-Tx12 [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx12 | Rx11 | 760 | 756 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx11-Tx11c [854nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx11c | Rx11 | 850 | 844 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx6-Tx9 [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx9 | Rx6 | 760 | 757 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx7-Tx6d [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx6d | Rx7 | 760 | 756 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx10-Tx11b [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx11b | Rx10 | 760 | 756 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx12-Tx14 [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx14 | Rx12 | 760 | 756 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx7-Tx8 [844nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx8 | Rx7 | 850 | 853 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx11-Tx11c [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx11c | Rx11 | 760 | 756 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx3-Tx2 [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx2 | Rx3 | 760 | 756 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx6-Tx9 [844nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx9 | Rx6 | 850 | 854 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx8-Tx10 [854nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx10 | Rx8 | 850 | 854 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx7-Tx8 [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx8 | Rx7 | 760 | 757 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx9-Tx11a [854nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx11a | Rx9 | 850 | 844 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx6-Tx6a [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx6a | Rx6 | 760 | 756 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx5-Tx6b [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx6b | Rx5 | 760 | 756 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx8-Tx9 [844nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx9 | Rx8 | 850 | 854 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx12-Tx15 [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx15 | Rx12 | 760 | 757 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx4-Tx1c [844nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx1c | Rx4 | 850 | 844 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx3-Tx5 [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx5 | Rx3 | 760 | 757 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx12-Tx15 [853nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx15 | Rx12 | 850 | 853 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx12-Tx11d [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx11d | Rx12 | 760 | 756 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx3-Tx5 [844nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx5 | Rx3 | 850 | 853 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx5-Tx8 [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx8 | Rx5 | 760 | 757 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx8-Tx9 [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx9 | Rx8 | 760 | 757 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx8-Tx10 [757nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx10 | Rx8 | 760 | 756 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx7-Tx6d [853nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx6d | Rx7 | 850 | 844 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx12-Tx14 [854nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx14 | Rx12 | 850 | 853 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx3-Tx2 [854nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx2 | Rx3 | 850 | 853 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx5-Tx6b [853nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx6b | Rx5 | 850 | 844 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx7-Tx7 [757nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx7 | Rx7 | 760 | 757 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx9-Tx12 [853nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx12 | Rx9 | 850 | 854 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx9-Tx11a [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx11a | Rx9 | 760 | 756 | 50 | TRUE |
Rx4-Tx3 [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx3 | Rx4 | 760 | 757 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx4-Tx5 [756nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx5 | Rx4 | 760 | 757 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx3-Tx3 [844nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx3 | Rx3 | 850 | 855 | 50 | FALSE |
Rx10-Tx14 [854nm] | NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY | unitless | Tx14 | Rx10 | 850 | 853 | 50 | FALSE |