BIDS Dashboard

task acq run subject_name session_name channels_file CapManufacturer CapManufacturersModelName DeviceSerialNumber HardwareFilters HeadCircumference InstitutionAddress InstitutionName InstitutionalDepartmentName Instructions Manufacturer ManufacturersModelName NIRSChannelCount NIRSDetectorOptodeCount NIRSPlacementScheme NIRSSourceOptodeCount RecordingDuration SamplingFrequency ShortChannelCount SoftwareVersions SourceType TaskDescription TaskName
fingerautodual 1 19 None fnirs-automaticity/sub-19/nirs/sub-19_task-fingerautodual_channels.tsv Artinis Medical Systems headcap with print, customized (M) 24065 + 24068 n/a 56 Heyendaalseweg 135, 6525 AJ, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour; Radboud University Donders Center for Neuroscience You will now perform the pre-learned sequence for the FINGER tapping task: 212321324241. While you perform the task, letters will be shown on the screen (C, G, Q or O). In between each letter a red fixation cross will appear shortly. The goal is to perform the sequence tapping while counting how many times G is presented. After each time you tapped the full sequence, you should tell us how many times G was presented. For answering this question, keep in mind that you press the right key on your keyboard according to your answer (not the number of the sequence!). We will perform 11 trails. For each trial you perform the sequence once. Note that during the tapping task you cannot talk. Try to keep your body movements as still as possible exept for the right hand. Keep your eyes open (also during the rest periods). In between the trials you will see a white fixation cross for 20 seconds. During the first few seconds you will hear a metronome sound. Tap the sequence on this rhythm, which is the same as you studied at home. We will start with a white fixation cross on the screen for 20 seconds. After that the first trial will start automatically. So start tapping the sequence as soon as a RED fixation cross appears on the screen. When ready: press any key to continue and start the test. Artinis Medical Systems Brite24 72 12 see optode_layout.pdf: 2 groups over the left and right dlPFC, 2 groups over the left and right PPC, 1 group over the left M1 and PMC 24 1375.82 50 24 Oxysoft 3.2.70 x64 LED Subjects need to tap the automatic sequence with the right-hand fingers while simultaneously counting the letter G from a list of randomly appearing letters on the screen fingerautodual

name type units source detector wavelength_nominal wavelength_actual sampling_frequency short_channel
Rx1-Tx3 [844nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx3 Rx1 850 855 50 FALSE
Rx6-Tx9 [844nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx9 Rx6 850 854 50 FALSE
Rx2-Tx3 [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx3 Rx2 760 757 50 FALSE
Rx1-Tx1b [844nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx1b Rx1 850 844 50 TRUE
Rx4-Tx1c [844nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx1c Rx4 850 844 50 TRUE
Rx5-Tx8 [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx8 Rx5 760 757 50 FALSE
Rx11-Tx13 [853nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx13 Rx11 850 853 50 FALSE
Rx10-Tx11b [854nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx11b Rx10 850 844 50 TRUE
Rx3-Tx1d [844nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx1d Rx3 850 844 50 TRUE
Rx6-Tx9 [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx9 Rx6 760 757 50 FALSE
Rx6-Tx6a [853nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx6a Rx6 850 844 50 TRUE
Rx9-Tx12 [853nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx12 Rx9 850 854 50 FALSE
Rx2-Tx4 [855nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx4 Rx2 850 854 50 FALSE
Rx1-Tx1b [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx1b Rx1 760 756 50 TRUE
Rx9-Tx12 [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx12 Rx9 760 756 50 FALSE
Rx11-Tx13 [757nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx13 Rx11 760 756 50 FALSE
Rx4-Tx3 [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx3 Rx4 760 757 50 FALSE
Rx3-Tx2 [854nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx2 Rx3 850 853 50 FALSE
Rx5-Tx7 [757nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx7 Rx5 760 757 50 FALSE
Rx11-Tx12 [853nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx12 Rx11 850 854 50 FALSE
Rx1-Tx3 [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx3 Rx1 760 757 50 FALSE
Rx5-Tx7 [853nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx7 Rx5 850 853 50 FALSE
Rx8-Tx6c [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx6c Rx8 760 756 50 TRUE
Rx10-Tx14 [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx14 Rx10 760 756 50 FALSE
Rx4-Tx4 [855nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx4 Rx4 850 854 50 FALSE
Rx8-Tx9 [844nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx9 Rx8 850 854 50 FALSE
Rx9-Tx13 [853nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx13 Rx9 850 853 50 FALSE
Rx12-Tx15 [853nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx15 Rx12 850 853 50 FALSE
Rx1-Tx2 [854nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx2 Rx1 850 853 50 FALSE
Rx3-Tx5 [844nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx5 Rx3 850 853 50 FALSE
Rx11-Tx11c [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx11c Rx11 760 756 50 TRUE
Rx10-Tx11b [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx11b Rx10 760 756 50 TRUE
Rx1-Tx2 [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx2 Rx1 760 756 50 FALSE
Rx4-Tx4 [757nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx4 Rx4 760 756 50 FALSE
Rx5-Tx6b [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx6b Rx5 760 756 50 TRUE
Rx8-Tx9 [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx9 Rx8 760 757 50 FALSE
Rx8-Tx6c [853nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx6c Rx8 850 844 50 TRUE
Rx7-Tx7 [757nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx7 Rx7 760 757 50 FALSE
Rx12-Tx14 [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx14 Rx12 760 756 50 FALSE
Rx12-Tx11d [854nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx11d Rx12 850 844 50 TRUE
Rx6-Tx6a [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx6a Rx6 760 756 50 TRUE
Rx8-Tx10 [757nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx10 Rx8 760 756 50 FALSE
Rx7-Tx8 [844nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx8 Rx7 850 853 50 FALSE
Rx2-Tx1a [844nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx1a Rx2 850 844 50 TRUE
Rx3-Tx3 [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx3 Rx3 760 757 50 FALSE
Rx3-Tx1d [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx1d Rx3 760 756 50 TRUE
Rx11-Tx12 [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx12 Rx11 760 756 50 FALSE
Rx12-Tx11d [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx11d Rx12 760 756 50 TRUE
Rx4-Tx5 [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx5 Rx4 760 757 50 FALSE
Rx4-Tx1c [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx1c Rx4 760 756 50 TRUE
Rx5-Tx8 [844nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx8 Rx5 850 853 50 FALSE
Rx8-Tx10 [854nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx10 Rx8 850 854 50 FALSE
Rx7-Tx6d [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx6d Rx7 760 756 50 TRUE
Rx7-Tx6d [853nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx6d Rx7 850 844 50 TRUE
Rx9-Tx13 [757nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx13 Rx9 760 756 50 FALSE
Rx9-Tx11a [854nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx11a Rx9 850 844 50 TRUE
Rx4-Tx3 [844nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx3 Rx4 850 855 50 FALSE
Rx3-Tx3 [844nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx3 Rx3 850 855 50 FALSE
Rx11-Tx11c [854nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx11c Rx11 850 844 50 TRUE
Rx12-Tx15 [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx15 Rx12 760 757 50 FALSE
Rx2-Tx3 [844nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx3 Rx2 850 855 50 FALSE
Rx4-Tx5 [844nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx5 Rx4 850 853 50 FALSE
Rx3-Tx2 [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx2 Rx3 760 756 50 FALSE
Rx3-Tx5 [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx5 Rx3 760 757 50 FALSE
Rx7-Tx8 [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx8 Rx7 760 757 50 FALSE
Rx7-Tx7 [853nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx7 Rx7 850 853 50 FALSE
Rx2-Tx4 [757nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx4 Rx2 760 756 50 FALSE
Rx2-Tx1a [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx1a Rx2 760 756 50 TRUE
Rx5-Tx6b [853nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx6b Rx5 850 844 50 TRUE
Rx9-Tx11a [756nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx11a Rx9 760 756 50 TRUE
Rx10-Tx14 [854nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx14 Rx10 850 853 50 FALSE
Rx12-Tx14 [854nm] NIRSCWOPTICALDENSITY unitless Tx14 Rx12 850 853 50 FALSE

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